Thursday 23 October 2014


At Osprey Quay the children have been developing their positional language. We have been programming the Beebots to move forwards, backwards and make quarter turns. 
Here are some pictures 
of the children exploring 
the equipment.

Wren week!

The pony is called Dinky and he had a full day of attention from lots of excited children. They also loved eating cakes and thank you for all of our amazing buildings and colouring competition entries. Here are some pictures of Wren's special week.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Letters and sounds.

The children have been learning the phase 2 letter sounds. Here is a clip of the Jolly Phonics songs to practise at home.

Wren week!

Next week is Wren house week. With the help of some of the older students we are planning to make a milk bottle igloo. Please could you bring in any 4 pint milk bottles? We need the lids on but please rinse them out. Thank you for your support. We hope it will look something like this.

Thursday 2 October 2014

This week in the Early Years.

The children have had their school photograph taken for the Dorset Echo. They looked very smart!
We visited the life van to find out more about looking after our bodies and staying healthy.
Here the children are meeting Harold the giraffe.

They loved the stars on the ceiling.

Don't forget our Harvest Festival is tomorrow at 9:30.