Thursday 12 February 2015

Osprey Quay: Dragon dance

Today Mrs Fryer came and brought some dragon costumes for her and Mrs Day to wear whilst we sang songs about dragons and other animals:

We then went outside in the courtyard where Mrs Fryer had an even bigger dragon costume! Some of us got to go inside it's body while the rest of us played shakers and sang dragon songs. We had a lot of interest from the other bases and an audience soon appeared...! 

After all of the excitement we went back to choose some activities. These children had lots of fun making and exploring outside:

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Osprey Quay: Construction work in progress!

This afternoon we have been building outside!

Making towers...

Making campfires...

Health and safety officers??

Some children preferred to relax on the mat while all the hard work went on around them...

Inside was all about Chinese dragons:

Making letters and shapes in foam:

And the Chinese restaurant now has a restaurant cat (far left)...

... And a neighbour!!!!  (He has moved his iron and small pile of belongings into the space next to the restaurant)

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Osprey Quay: The Year of the sheep!

This week in Reception we have been learning about Chinese New Year and the year of the Sheep. We have made fluffy cotton wool sheep and painted Chinese symbols to display around our base:

Our role play area has been a Chinese Restaurant serving various Chinese foods on the menu:

Some of the girls made a vegetable chow mein in the Nursery home corner:

We had great fun in PE today- Miss Byrne set out the soft play for us to enjoy:

These children have enjoyed playing with the jungle animals and the construction today:

... And these girls decided to make strawberry and banana milkshakes in our making area!